Vin Crosbie's Personal Blog

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These Next Four Years

If the choice in the 2024 U.S. election had been Harris versus Romney, or vs McCain, or vs Bob Dole, or vs George W. Bush, et. al., in other words, a political contest between two honorable candidates and respected policies, then I could accept the advice of the many MAGA supporters who now triumphantly cackle, “Accept the decision of the American people!” (Should I spotlight the blatant hypocrisy of these same MAGAts who still won’t acknowledge Joe Biden’s absolute and thoroughly proven 2020 victory over the now Convicted Felon, a popular vote victory in which Biden won the popular vote by 7,059,422 votes cast, which is more three-times the MAGA-claimed “absolute mandate” victory margin of the Convicted Felon’s paltry (2,289,255 votes) victory margin over Harris in 2024? Indeed, Biden received more than half of all Americans. I have no reluctance at all acknowledging that the winner of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election is a Convicted Felon, who won popular vote by slimmer margin than Jimmy Carter did in 1976 (and won by less than one-tenth the popular vote margin that Herbert Hoover did in 1928), Indeed, as I mention under the ‘Mandate’ section below, the Convicted Felon (1) won fewer than half of all votes cast for president in in 2024 and (2) more American voters in 2024 voted against the Convicted Felon than for him during the 2024 election (see the incontrovertible simple arithmetic in the ‘Mandate’ section below). What I do have trouble with is that a minority but plurality of American voters, like toddlers, willfully or ignorantly stuck their fingers into the electrical socket in the dim hopes that doing so will improve their lives. I’ve recently heard some MAGAts claim that the Convicted Felon’s election victory by a minority yet plurality of American voters ‘proves’ that he is the correct choice; that he is the righteousness one; and that any criticism now of the Convicted Felon indicates not that the people who voted for him were wrong but that any critics of him are. Such MAGAts delusionally forget that a similar minority yet plurality of voters elected Benito (“I am a man ruthless and energetic enough to make a clean sweep to revive the Italian nation) Mussolini during a fair election in 1921; elected Adolph (“I can say here with pride that the party has proven itself mightily”) Hitler during a fair election in 1932 to lead […]

All But Tut (Tutankhamun, That Is)

The long-delayed Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM), originally scheduled to open in 2013 and house more than 100,00 artifacts from Ancient Egypt, including the complete collection from the tomb of Pharoah Tutankhamun, finally opened on October 16th — except for the complete Tutankhamun collection. That, for the time being, remains at the old Egyptian Museum downtown at Cairo’s Tahir Square. Last year at this time, Emma and I and our Saudi friend Tariq, who resides in Cairo, were given a private tour of the GEM’s central atrium, a tour that the GEM operated as a trial run before its grand opening. It was wonderful, whetted our desire to see the GEM’s thousands of artifacts. With 81,000 square meters (872,000 square feet) of floor space, GEM is the world’s largest archeological museum and is located adjacent to the Great Pyramids of Giza. So, Emma and I have now decided to return to Egypt next month and see it. We’ll invite our friend Tariq. We’ve now renewed our visas. This will be our fourth trip to Egypt since 2022. We are gradually becoming old Cairo hands.

Why to Unfriend and Alienate Some People

I avidly and sincerely plan to lose some social media Friend’s and acquaintances this month: I expect that perhaps 30 or 40 of my current 944 Facebook ‘Friend’s and maybe another 50 or so on X (‘Twitter’), Instagram, Threads, and other social media platforms, will ‘Unfriend’ or ‘Block’ me Most of these people will be upset by me or, at best, feel alienated. Some of these are people who I have known since my childhood. I don’t mind political differences and discussions about contentious issues. I grew up with a father who was a Boston Democrat and a mother who was from a Connecticut Republican family. Each of their votes cancelled out the other’s. Moreover, they owned and operated a 140-year-old daily newspaper whose editorial pages [had] to take stands on issues of public controversies. And a fundamental factor was that anything their daily newspaper printed had to be verifiably true lest someone sue them for libel and, if such a lawsuit were successful, my parents lose their business and livelihood. That legal requirement to be truthful is a factor that the average person doesn’t face when expressing his opinion about controversial issues. But it shaped me. Why in the world would I endeavor to lose friends, angering or alienating anyone? So, why should I endeavor to lose any social media ‘Friend’ or follower? Because people who intentionally or knowingly lie recklessly or evilly erode their communities, be it a physical or an online community. In other words, I have a fundamental problem with three categories of deceivers: Why do I endeavor to lose social media ‘Friend’s and acquaintances who are racists? I’ve no difficulty answering that. Racists are liars because they condemn entire races or religions or nationalities, despite knowing what anyone who has walked more than a thousand paces beyond their crib learns: that there are good people, as well as bad people, among every race, religion, or nation and that the good significantly, often extraordinarily, outnumber the bad. A particularly evil dynamic of racism, in person or online, is that the most prolific racists are otherwise affable, rather than irascible, people. That’s because irascible or cranky people make few friends, yet affable racists tend to make many more friends (particularly at times when they aren’t being racist) than irascible racists do. Why do I endeavor to lose social media ‘Friend’s and acquaintances who knowingly lie or knowingly […]

The Fetid Stench of America’s Newest Racism

The words in red above, bookending someone’s racist posting on Facebook, are mine. Only if they donned white cotton robes and matching conical hats, then set life-sized crucifixes afire, could the fecal scum who concocted, posted, and ‘Like’d this despicable posting on Facebook be more satanically racist. If you find what I write here to be blunt, Known that its bluntness is justified. I won’t tolerate racism. The October 7, 2024, terrorist attack on Israel by the political party Hamas of the Gaza Strip, an atrocity that killed 1,139 Israeli citizens, absolutely was a Crime Against Humanity (as were the Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on the United States during 2001) and Hamas must be eradicated (like Al Qaeda was). No, all those statements are demonstrably racist. As clearly are the scantily-educated white men (gee, isn’t it always?) who concocted, posted, ‘Share’d, or ‘Like’d, this excremental graphic on Facebook. Do these rabidly racist mental runts believe that all 2.2 million Palestinians who live in Gaza attacked Israel on October 7th last year? Including the 1.4 million Palestinian women and children in Gaza? Do they know that in 2006 the Hamas political party of terrorism violently overthrew the Gaza’s previous government? And that, much like the Russian-occupied eastern European nations during the Soviet Era, all subsequent Gaza ‘elections’ under Hamas terrorist have been staged by Hamas?  Were the people of Armenia, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and the Ukraine, themselves responsible for the crimes of Lenin’s and Stalin’s Soviet Communist Party?  Do the human shits who posted this graphic think that the German people themselves were, rather than the NAZIs, were culpable for the Holocaust? Yet the diarrhea these racists spew blames all of the world’s 1.9 billion Muslims, 25 percent of the world’s population, for what a the estimated 60,000 Hamas party members (that’s Israel’s estimate of their number) among the 2.2 million Palestinians living in Gaza. That’s only 2.6-percent of the Gaza’s population, a percentage probably not coincidentally similar to the 3 million to 6 million Protestant-Americans who were members of the Ku Klux Klan (that’ the FBI’s estimate, which was 2.5-percent of the United States’ population of 123 million then) during mid-1920s; Klansmen who killed thousands of African-American citizens. The execrable racists who concocted, posted, ‘Share’d, or ‘Like’d this monstrous posting on Facebook, probably consider themselves good or devout Christians–much like so many of the white […]